Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Wandering and wondering together.

I am learning to like this new found form of wandering and wondering together. I am not big on email - so impersonal and mutted (many of you know this by my impersonal and mutted replies). But this has some strange element of personality and voice to it. Not simply mine but others. Hearing from one recalling the conversations and journey through the early years of carpenter's ministries made me recall and realize the shared journey and all that was wondered and learned together from that shared journey. One person writing and recalling the times God seemed to hide His face from her and realizing revelation was coming in those times makes me wonder again at just how God does work with us and within us. One who writes from Africa reminding me of my early journeys there. The lonliness and wonder of a new people in a new and unfamiliar place. I sometimes wonder how I made it then and there and I realize I wandered and wondered through it because of Tim Talley, and PK, and Bab's and Beckloff and Conder and the traveling party grew to include my own children and fellow Africans. I was not alone. And in the presence of so many - God is present. I wonder if that is key? Isn't that what he said when two or more are together... Could it be that wandering together and wondering together is, at least partially how God works with us and within us?
I am learning that all my times together with fellow journeymen are God times. Often they seem to be more God times than organized God times. I wonder if that could be because of the lack of wonder in our organized God times. Does this make sense? Sometime I feel we leave no room for God in our time together. It often seems the formality and over organization of God time whether assemblies, bible study or prayer time seem absent of God and the wonder He provokes. As I look back over my 25 years of mission and ministry and the many journeys involved in those 25 years, I am finding God in my coversation and wanderings with my co-workers, Kids (students) and fellow strugglers, more because of our uncertainty of everything and freedom to be real about it than our incredible insight into scripture and life and God.
One wrote "The best thing of all, is that when I fell in love with those suffering around me, MY suffering began to lessen! Could it be that it is shared suffering which begins to ease our suffering? Could that not be part of what Jesus was all about? I do not want to travel alone. I do not believe we are meant to travel alone. I believe traveling, wandering, wondering together is part of all of our ministries. Each of you remind me of the joy of my journey thus far and cause me to anticipate more joyful (not meaning always happy) journeys with you and others like you.
I guess what I am wondering out loud on your behalf about is your ministry as well as mine. Find someone or someones to wander with (I think ministry and mission is foundationally hanging out together. Experience life with them - share your life (all of it - good and bad) with them.) And do not be afraid to wonder. Don't be afraid of feeling dumb, or stupid, or ignorant - in fact worry about those who seem to know it all (not always the best travel partners.) Wonder, pray, talk, converse outloud together - and invite God into the journey. He gives enlightenment or revelation into our situations and world. I guess I am redefining my mission for many of my old students. Spend quality, unstructured time (tea and coffee always help this part) with people. Have real, transparent and vulnerable conversations together. Look for God to step in with insight and understanding. And above all Love well. In the midst of the journey love well. I wonder if that is really what it is all about anyway? More later.

1 comment:

Momma_Little said...

Hi Jim! I just want you to know that it is SO ENCOURAGING to read your thoughts! Thank you for insisting that it is OK to ask questions and wonder things without feeling stupid or dumb! I know your comments uplift many others, too!